Academic Support - Team

Our Team

Meet our Team


Rachel Heiser


Dr. Rachel Heiser获得了高等教育博士学位和咨询心理学硕士学位, both from Temple University.  

Since 2011, she has partnered with students, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的教职员工致力于发展服务和项目,帮助学生实现他们对学业成功的个人定义.  

When she is not immersed in the Owl community, 她喜欢旅行(她去过50个州和5大洲)!),在户外活动,与家人和朋友共度时光. 


Amanda Brown

Assistant Director of Academic Support

学术支持助理主任阿曼达·布朗在宾夕法尼亚米勒斯维尔大学获得心理学学士学位,在拉萨尔大学获得婚姻和家庭治疗硕士学位. 此外,她被认证为教练并提供催眠疗法. 

Prior to working at Bryn Mawr College, 她在宾夕法尼亚州的几个学区提供校本心理健康支持. 她在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜担任学术支持服务协调员, 她帮助学生培养技能和习惯,使他们在大学和做人中感到自信和成功.

Outside of her work at Bryn Mawr, 你可以看到阿曼达在厨房里用素食食谱做实验, reading lots of books, listening to music, watching movies, exploring her creative side through art and writing, and being a dog mom.


Carlee Warfield

Graduate Assistant

Carlee Warfield(她/她)是学术支持办公室的研究生助理. 她是推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜最近的校友,参加了学生政府协会和同伴导师计划. Carlee正在罗斯蒙特学院攻读高等教育和学生事务管理硕士学位. In her role as the Graduate Assistant for Academic Support, Carlee为同伴导师项目提供建议,并指导学生领袖如何在保持工作与生活平衡的同时平衡课外活动和学术承诺. 她还开发了一些程序来解决高等教育的“不成文课程”,并帮助学生加强时间管理, note-taking, professor-student interactions, and more. Outside of her work in higher education, Carlee enjoys taking nature walks, baking sweet treats, and spending time with her cats.


Paige Biderman

Graduate Intern

Paige Biderman(她/她)是学术支持办公室的研究生实习生,也是gssswsr的现任学生. 佩姬在德雷塞尔大学获得心理学学士学位. 此前,她曾在费城联合学区的一家非营利机构担任大学和职业顾问. Now at Bryn Mawr, she works with students to help students balance academic, personal, and work duties. In her free time, she enjoys concerts, basketball games, traveling, and spending time with her dog, Biggie Smalls.


Della Burke

Peer Academic Coach

德拉(她/她)是学术支持办公室的同伴学术教练之一. 她主修古典与近东考古学,辅修城市生长与结构, interested in ancient urbanism and household archaeology. 她在主修课程和辅修课程中辅以语言学习、人类学和历史课.  在她作为同行学术教练的角色中,德拉热心地支持她在各个领域的同龄人. Still, 她可以在实现社会科学学术目标方面提供最全面和个人的支持, humanities, and languages. Outside of her work in the Office of the Academic Support, 德拉在卡彭特和科利尔图书馆担任流通助理和主管. 此前,她曾在宿舍担任同伴导师,这使她成为同伴学术教练.


Shriya Shivakumar

Peer Academic Coach

Shriya(她/她)是学术支持办公室的同伴学术教练之一. She is a senior from Overland Park, Kansas, 目前主修生物学,辅修数据科学, with a focus in computational biology. 她在生物学相关领域有专门的学术经验, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Medicine, and Data Science. In addition to her academic pursuits, works as a research assistant at CHOP for 3 years, the Merion Peer Mentor, works at the Canaday Help Desk, the head of the S.团队SGA委员会,以及健康中心顾问委员会成员. Shriya致力于帮助同学实现他们的学术目标,并提供与课程安排相关的查询资源, fulfilling requirements, campus resources, study tips, and any other academic questions! 她也是寻找暑期机会的资源,因为她参加了SSR的暑期实习, UPenn, and Harvard School of Public Health!


Megan McDonald

Re-Enrolled Student (RS) Mentor

梅根·麦克唐纳(她/她)是学术支持办公室的RS导师之一,也是一名大四学生. 由于心理健康原因,她在大二和大三之间休学了一年. Megan was originally an English Lit major, 但在大三回来后,她转到了化学专业. Outside of being an RS Mentor, 梅根也是XC/田径队的一员,并担任写作中心的导师. 她认为,在回到布林茅尔的第一个学期,她通过XC/径赛队找到了社区,并通过学术支持主动寻求帮助,这是她感到成功的一些方式. 梅根在这里为考虑休假的学生提供学生的观点和支持, currently on a leave, and returning from leaves of absence. 



Natalie Eaton

Re-Enrolled Student (RS) Mentor

娜塔莉·伊顿(她/她)是学术支持办公室的RS导师之一. 她是秋季学期大三第二学期的学生,将于2025年12月从推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜毕业. 由于新冠肺炎,她在第一年就离开了3年, academic, and mental health related reasons. 她是心理学专业的学生,很高兴能和其他重新入学的学生一起工作. 娜塔莉通过与学术支持办公室的定期会议,在她的时间里找到了成功, close contact with her professors, 并利用校园里的其他资源,比如职业和公民参与. 她可以帮助那些想要休假的学生, that are on leaves, 这是他们休假后回到学院的第一个学期.


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Contact Us

Office of Academic Support

Office of Academic Support
Campus Center First Floor
Phone: 610-526-5375