
Payment Information

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜为学生和他们的家庭提供多种付款方式. 学生和授权方可以使用美国银行账户或信用卡通过Nelnet在线支付. 学生账户不接受通过电话或办公室的信用卡支付. 纸质支票可以邮寄到办公室或在正常工作时间内亲自交付. Please note that most 529 providers pay via paper check. 学生可以通过传统的银行电汇或Flywire从美国境外付款. Nelnet每学期提供付款计划,让学生有机会将学期付款分成较小的分期付款. 

Payment Options

布林茅尔学院利用Nelnet商业服务处理所有在线支付. Nelnet允许24/7访问查看帐户详细信息,付款和审查账单报表. Please note the following:

  • Payments from checking or savings accounts must be from U.S. banks only. There is no fee for payments from a bank account.
  • American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa are accepted. A 2.85%的服务费将适用于所有信用卡和借记卡交易. This fee is not charged by Bryn Mawr College. 这笔费用将作为单独的交易反映在您的信用卡对账单上.



  • Login to BiONiC.
  • Select Financial Information.
  • 从菜单中选择“查看帐户并付款”进入Nelnet. Note: This will open up a new window in your browser. 如果没有打开新窗口,请检查是否已禁用弹出窗口阻止程序或Bionic已添加为受信任站点.  
  • 如果这是您第一次访问Nelnet,您将被要求更新人口统计信息并建立PIN. 
  • Select "make a payment."
  • 在付款期限旁边的文本框中输入付款金额.
  • Follow instructions to complete payment.

Authorized Parties

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜与Nelnet商业解决方案合作,提供付款计划,以便通过自动每月付款的方式灵活地支付整个学期的费用. Please visit www.MyCollegePaymentPlan.com/brynmawr for more information.



  • Log onto BiONiC
  • Go to Financial Information
  • Select "View Account and Make Payment" from the menu
  • Please note that this will open up a new window. If Nelnet does not open, 检查以确保弹出窗口拦截器被禁用或Bionic被添加为可信站点.
  • Click on “Set Up a Payment Plan.”
  • Follow instructions to enroll in the monthly payment plan.
  • You can also watch this short video for step by step instructions.
  • 如果您需要将付款计划重新分配给您的授权方,您可以更改计划所有者. Watch this tutorial for instructions.

Authorized Parties

Payment Plan Tips 

  • 如果需要,可以通过在注册计划时编辑金额来设置低于学生帐户到期金额的付款计划.
  • Anticipated aid is already included in the amount due. 
  • Payments are automatic and the due date can not be changed.
  • If the payment plan is out of balance, 到期金额下面将显示一条消息,指示付款计划比到期金额多或少,可以通过单击链接来调整付款计划.
  • 学生账户定期审查付款计划,如果计划不平衡并需要调整,将向学生发送电子邮件. 如果学生账户减少支付计划,Nelnet将向计划所有者发送消息.
  • More than one plan can be established for the account. For example, 一个学生和一个授权方可以各自有一个计划,或者两个授权方可以各自有一个计划. 

Check Payments

Payment by paper check should be in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank, and made payable to Bryn Mawr College. Stale dated or post dated checks will not be accepted. 请务必在支票的备注栏上注明学生的姓名和身份证号.

529 Payments

Most 529 providers pay via check. 付款通常是由529供应商发起的,该供应商将支票寄给布林茅尔学院. 如果提供商要求,报表可以从Nelnet打印或保存为PDF. 学院不会向供应商提供对账单或讨论账户信息. 只有学生或授权方才能访问报表和账户信息. 支票应包括学生姓名和身份证号码,并按以下地址汇款到布林茅尔学院.

Remit To:

Bryn Mawr College
Student Accounts
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜与Flywire合作,为我们的国际学生提供一个安全的支付网关,简化支付过程. With Flywire, 你可以从世界各地的银行和国家网上支付, usually in your home currency. In addition to a bank wire, Flywire支持信用卡支付以及支付宝和银联等其他支付方式.

Start the payment process at http://brynmawr.flywire.com or go to the Payer Help Center.

Bank Wire: Please email studentaccounts@congtygulegend.net from a Bryn Mawr College email account for wire instructions.

学生可以在办公室用现金、支票或汇票付款. Checks must be drawn on a U.S. 银行,付款给布林茅尔学院,并在备忘录线上包括学生姓名或身份证. 学院不接受邮寄日期或过期日期的支票. 请注意,现金支付可能需要额外的文书工作和报告,这取决于支付的金额. 出于对学生安全的考虑,学院不鼓励学生以现金支付学费. 对于没有银行账户的人,我们建议使用汇票或其他认证资金. 学生账户在办公室不接受信用卡付款.

Bring your payment during normal business hours to:

Student Accounts
Benham Gateway
Third Floor


  • Tuition only
  • Tuition, room and board, and college fee

所有四年的计划都必须在新生入学前的8月1日之前支付. 使用此计划的家庭将不会受到学费进一步增加的影响. 预付计划总金额的一个学期的部分将每学期记入学生账户.

Contact Student Accounts at studentaccounts@congtygulegend.net or call 610-526-5500.



Contact Us

Student Accounts

Benham Gateway Building — Third Floor
101 North Merion Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5500